第9章 Final Fight
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H put hs hands n th atr agan to soak th.It as gttng lat n th aftrnoon and h sa nothng ut th sa and th sky.Thr as or nd n th sky than thr had n,and soon h hopd that h ould s land.
“You'r trd,old an,”h sad.“ You'r trd nsd.”
Th sharks dd not ht h agan untl just for sunst.
Th old an sa th ron fns cong along th d tral th fsh ust ak n th atr.Thy r not vn quartrng on th scnt.Thy r hadd straght for th skff sng sd y sd.
H jad th tllr,ad th sht fast and rachd undr th strn for th clu. It as an oar handl fro a rokn oar sad off to aout to and a half ft n lngth. H could only us t ffctvly th on hand caus of th grp of th handl and h took good hold of t th hs rght hand,flxng hs hand on t,as h atchd th sharks co. Thy r oth galanos.
I ust lt th frst on gt a good hold and ht h on th pont of th nos or straght across th top of th had,h thought.
Th to sharks closd togthr and as h sa th on narst h opn hs jas and snk th nto th slvr sd of th fsh,h rasd th clu hgh and rought t don havy and slang onto th top of th shark's road had.H flt th rury soldty as th clu ca don.But h flt th rgdty of on too and h struck th shark onc or hard across th pont of th nos as h sld don fro th fsh.
Th othr shark had n n and out and no ca n agan th hs jas d.Th old an could s pcs of th at of th fsh spllng ht fro th cornr of hs jas as h upd th fsh and closd hs jas.H sung at h and ht only th had and th shark lookd at h and rnchd th at loos.Th old an sung th clu don on h agan as h slppd aay to sallo and ht only th havy sold rurnss.
“Co on,galano.”th old an sad.“ Co n agan.”
Th shark ca n a rush and th old an ht h as h shut hs jas.H ht h soldly and fro as hgh up as h could ras th clu.Ths t h flt th on at th as of th ran and h ht h agan n th sa plac hl th shark tor th at loos sluggshly and sld don fro th fsh.
Th old an atchd for h to co agan ut nthr shark shod.Thn h sa on on th surfac sng n crcls.H dd not s th fn of th othr.
I could not xpct to kll th,h thought.I could hav n y t.But I hav hurt th oth adly and nthr on can fl vry good.If I could hav usd a at th to hands I could hav klld th frst on surly.Evn no,h thought.
H dd not ant to look at th fsh.H kn that half of h had n dstroyd.Th sun had gon don hl h had n n th fght th th shark.
“It ll dark soon,”h sad.“Thn I should s th glo of Havana.If I a too far to th astard I ll s th lghts of on of th n achs.”
I cannot too far out no,h thought.I hop no on has n too orrd. Thr s only th oy to orry, of cours.But I a sur h ould hav confdnc.Many of th oldr fshrn ll orry.Many othrs too,h thought.I lv n a good ton.
H could not talk to th fsh anyor caus th fsh had n rund too adly.Thn sothng ca nto hs had.
“Half fsh,”h sad.“ Fsh that you r.I a sorry that I nt too far out.I rund us oth.But hav klld any sharks,you and I,and rund any othrs.Ho any dd you vr kll,old fsh?You do not hav that spar on your had for nothng.”
H lkd to thnk of th fsh and hat h could do to a shark f h r sng fr.I should hav choppd th ll off to fght th th,h thought.But thr as no hatcht and thn thr as no knf.
But f I had,and could hav lashd t to an oar utt,hat a apon.Thn ght hav fought th togthr.What ll you do no f thy co n th nght?What can you do?“Fght th,”h sad.“ I'll fght th untl I d.”
But n th dark no and no glo shong and no lghts and only th nd and th stady pull of th sal h flt that prhaps h as alrady dad.H put hs to hands togthr and flt th pals.Thy r not dad and h could rng th pan of lf y sply opnng and closng th.H land hs ack aganst th strn and h kn h as not dad.Hs shouldrs told h.
I hav all thos prayrs I prosd f I caught th fsh, h thought.But I a too trd to say th no.I ttr gt th sack and put t ovr y shouldrs.
H lay n th strn and strd and atchd for th glo to co n th sky.I hav half of h,h thought.May I'll hav th luck to rng th forard half n.I should hav so luck.No,h sad.You volatd your luck hn you nt too far outsd.
“Don't slly,”h sad aloud.“And kp aak and str.You ay hav uch luck yt.”
“I'd lk to uy so f thr's any plac thy sll t,”h sad.
What could I uy t th?H askd hslf.Could I uy t th a lost harpoon and a rokn knf and to ad hands?“You ght,”h sad.“You trd to uy t th ghty-four days at sa.Thy narly sold t to you too.”
I ust not thnk nonsns,h thought.Luck s a thng that cos n any fors and ho can rcognz hr? I ould tak so though n any for and pay hat thy askd.I sh I could s th glo fro th lghts,h thought. I sh too any thngs.But that s th thng I sh for no. H trd to sttl or cofortaly to str and fro hs pan h kn h as not dad.
H sa th rflctd glar of th lghts of th cty at hat ust hav n around tn o'clock at nght.Thy r only prcptl at frst as th lght s n th sky for th oon rss.Thn thy r stady to s across th ocan hch as rough no th th ncrasng rz.H strd nsd of th glo and h thought that no,soon,h ust ht th dg of th stra.
No t s ovr, h thought. Thy ll proaly ht agan.But hat can a an do aganst th n th dark thout a apon?
H as stff and sor no and hs ounds and all of th strand parts of hs ody hurt th th cold of th nght.I hop I do not hav to fght agan,h thought.I hop so uch I do not hav to fght agan.
But y dnght h fought and ths t h kn th fght as uslss.Thy ca n a pack and h could only s th lns n th atr that thr fns ad and thr phosphorscnc as thy thr thslvs on th fsh.H clud at hads and hard th jas chop and th shakng of th skff as thy took hold lo.H clud dspratly at hat h could only fl and har and h flt sothng sz th clu and t as gon.
H jrkd th tllr fr fro th ruddr and at and choppd th t,holdng t n oth hands and drvng t don agan and agan.But thy r up to th o no and drvng n on aftr th othr and togthr,tarng off th pcs of at that shod glong lo th sa as thy turnd to co onc or.
On ca,fnally,aganst th had tslf and h kn that t as ovr.H sung th tllr across th shark's had hr th jas r caught n th havnss of th fsh's had hch ould not tar.H sung t onc and tc and agan. H hard th tllr rak and h lungd at th shark th th splntrd utt.H flt t go n and knong t as sharp h drov t n agan.Th shark lt go and rolld aay.That as th last shark of th pack that ca.Thr as nothng or for th to at.
Th old an could hardly rath no and h flt a strang tast n hs outh.It as coppry and st and h as afrad of t for a ont.But thr as not uch of t.
H spat nto th ocan and sad,“Eat that,Galanos. And ak a dra you'v klld a an.”