第10章 The Old Mans Return
中文啦 www.izhongwen.cc,最快更新老人与海!
H kn h as atn no fnally and thout rdy and h nt ack to th strn and found th jaggd nd of th tllr ould ft n th slot of th ruddr ll nough for h to str.H sttld th sack around hs shouldrs and put th skff on hr cours. H sald lghtly no and h had no thoughts nor any flngs of any knd.H as past vrythng no and h sald th skff to ak hs ho port as ll and as ntllgntly as h could.In th nght sharks ht th carcass as soon ght pck up crus fro th tal.Th old an pad no attnton to th and dd not pay any attnton to anythng xcpt strng.H only notcd ho lghtly and ho ll th skff sald no thr as no grat ght sd hr.
Sh's good,h thought.Sh s sound and not hard n any ay xcpt for th tllr.That s asly rplacd .
H could fl h as nsd th currnt no and h could s th lghts of th ach colons along th shor.H kn hr h as no and t as nothng to gt ho.
Th nd s our frnd,anyay,h thought.Thn h addd,sots.And th grat sa th our frnds and our ns.And d,h thought.Bd s y frnd.Just d, h thought.Bd ll a grat thng.It s asy hn you ar atn,h thought.I nvr kn ho asy t as.And hat at you,h thought.
“Nothng,”h sad aloud.“ I nt out too far.”
Whn h sald nto th lttl haror th lghts of th Trrac r out and h kn vryon as n d.Th rz had rsn stadly and as long strongly no.It as qut n th haror though and h sald up onto th lttl patch of shngl lo th rocks.Thr as no on to hlp h so h pulld th oat up as far as h could.Thn h stppd out and ad hr fast to a rock.
H unstppd th ast and furld th sal and td t. Thn h shouldrd th ast and startd to cl.It as thn h kn th dpth of hs trdnss.H stoppd for a ont and lookd ack and sa n th rflcton fro th strt lght th grat tal of th fsh standng up ll hnd th skff's strn.H sa th ht nakd ln of hs ackon and th dark ass of th had th th projctng ll and all th nakdnss tn.
H startd to cl agan and at th top h fll and lay for so t th th ast across hs shouldr.
H trd to gt up.But t as too dffcult and h sat thr th th ast on hs shouldr and lookd at th road.A cat passd on th far sd gong aout ts usnss and th old an atchd t.Thn h just atchd th road.
Fnally h put th ast don and stood up.H pckd th ast up and put t on hs shouldr and startd up th road.H had to st don fv ts for h rachd hs shack.
Insd th shack h land th ast aganst th all.In th dark h found a atr ottl and took a drnk.Thn h lay don on th d.H pulld th lankt ovr hs shouldrs and thn ovr hs ack and lgs and h slpt fac don on th nspaprs th hs ars out straght and th pals of hs hands up.
H as aslp hn th oy lookd n th door n th ornng.It as long so hard that th drftng-oats ould not gong out and th oy had slpt lat and thn co to th old an's shack as h had co ach ornng.Th oy sa that th old an as rathng and thn h sa th old an's hands and h startd to cry.H nt out vry qutly to go to rng so coff and all th ay don th road h as cryng.
Many fshrn r around th skff lookng at hat as lashd sd t and on as n th atr,hs trousrs rolld up,asurng th sklton th a lngth of ln.
Th oy dd not go don.H had n thr for and on of th fshrn as lookng aftr th skff for h.
“Ho s h?”on of th fshrn shoutd.
“Slpng,”th oy calld.H dd not car that thy sa h cryng.“ Lt no on dstur h.”
“H as ghtn ft fro nos to tal,”th fshran ho as asurng h calld.
“I lv t,”th oy sad.
H nt nto th Trrac and askd for a can of coff.
“Hot and th plnty of lk and sugar n t.”
“Anythng or?”
“No.Aftrards I ll s hat h can at.”
“What a fsh t as,”th proprtor sad.“Thr has nvr n such a fsh.Thos r to fn fsh you took ystrday too.”
“Dan y fsh,”th oy sad and h startd to cry agan.
“Do you ant a drnk of any knd?”th proprtor askd.
“No,”th oy sad.“Tll th not to othr Santago. I'll ack.”
“Tll h ho sorry I a.”
“Thanks,”th oy sad.
Th oy carrd th hot can of coff up to th old an's shack and sat y h untl h ok.Onc t lookd as though h r akng.But h had gon ack nto havy slp and th oy had gon across th road to orro so ood to hat th coff.
Fnally th old an ok.
“Don't st up.”th oy sad.“Drnk ths.”H pourd so of th coff n a glass.
Th old an took t and drank t.
“Thy at , Manoln,”h sad.“Thy truly at .”
“H ddn't at you.Not th fsh.”
“No.Truly.It as aftrards.”
“Pdrco s lookng aftr th skff and th gar.What do you ant don th th had?”
“Lt Pdrco chop t up to us n fsh traps.”
“And th spar?”
“You kp t f you ant t.”
“I ant t,”th oy sad.“ No ust ak our plans aout th othr thngs.”
“Dd thy sarch for ?”
“Of cours.Wth coast guard and th plans.”
“Th ocan s vry g and a skff s sall and hard to s,”th old an sad.H notcd ho plasant t as to hav soon to talk to nstad of spakng only to hslf and to th sa.“I ssd you,”h sad.“What dd you catch?”
“On on th frst day. On th scond and to th thrd.”
“Vry good.”
“No fsh togthr agan.”
“No.I a not lucky.I a not lucky anyor.”
“Th hll th luck,”th oy sad.“I'll rng th luck th .”
“What ll your faly say?”
“I do not car.I caught to ystrday.But ll fsh togthr no for I stll hav uch to larn.”
“W ust gt a good kllng lanc and alays hav t on oard.You can ak th lad fro a sprng laf fro an old Ford.W can grnd t n Guanaacoa.It should sharp and not tprd so t ll rak.My knf rok.”
“I'll gt anothr knf and hav th sprng ground.Ho any days of havy rsa hav ?”
“May thr.May or.”
“I ll hav vrythng n ordr,”th oy sad.“ You gt your hands ll old an.”
“I kno ho to car for th. In th nght I spat sothng strang and flt sothng n y chst as rokn.”
“Gt that ll too,”th oy sad.“L don,old an, and I ll rng you your clan shrt.And sothng to at.”“Brng any of th paprs of th t that I as gon,”th old an sad.
“You ust gt ll fast for thr s uch that I can larn and you can tach vrythng.Ho uch dd you suffr?”
“Plnty,”th old an sad.
“I'll rng th food and th paprs,”th oy sad.“Rst ll,old an.I ll rng stuff fro th drugstor for your hands.”
“Don't forgt to tll Pdrco th had s hs.”
“No.I ll rr.”
As th oy nt out th door and don th orn coral rock road h as cryng agan.
That aftrnoon thr as a party of toursts at th Trrac and lookng don n th atr aong th pty r cans and dad arracudas a oan sa a grat long ht spn th a hug tal at th nd that lftd and sung th th td hl th ast nd l a havy stady sa outsd th ntranc to th haror.
“What's that?”sh askd a atr and pontd to th long ackon of th grat fsh that as no just garag atng to go out th th td.
“Turon,”th atr sad,“Eshark.”H as anng to xplan hat had happnd.
“I ddn't kno sharks had such handso,autfully ford tals.”
“I ddn't thr,”hr al copanon sad.
Up th road, n hs shack, th old an as slpng agan.H as stll slpng on hs fac and th oy as sttng y h atchng h.Th old an as drang aout th lons.